NSCAC August Newsletter

NSCAC helps conduct U of T Scarborough Youth Camp The NSCAC was proud to join the University of Toronto Scarborough Department of Athletics and Recreation staff in conducting a day camp last month for at risk youth under the direction of the Boys and Girls club of Scarborough (see group picture below, photo credit:Gabriela Estrada). NSCAC Director of Soccer Kosmas Mouratidis and NSCAC Technical Director Tony La Ferrara participated in a 90-minute session for boys and girls ranging in age from 8 to 13 years who would otherwise not be able to enjoy soccer due to financial restrictions. The kids were led through a fun warm up session, before taking part in a series of skill-based training exercises, culminating with a light scrimmage. The smiles on all the kids’ faces during the session made our participation all the more rewarding and we’d like to thank Anthony Cicirello, the Athletics Department’s Program Assistant, for allowing the NSCAC to join the University of Toronto in such a worthy program.

NSCAC invites members to Toronto FC Coaches Open House

The NSCAC extends an invitation to its member coaches to attend the annual Toronto FC Tim Horton’s Coaches Open House, a free clinic for Ontario coaches, this Sunday, August 13th from 8:30am to 1pm at Toronto’s BMO Field. The event will include on and off-pitch seminars with TFC first team and academy coaches. Everyone attending receives a participant package. To register, click on this link NSCAC invites coaches to attend a special clinic in September

The NSCAC would like to invite members and non-members to a special coaches clinic Saturday, September 30th, during National Coaches Week. Sports scientist Richard Bucciarelli (pictured at left & below), who joined us for our June 10 clinic in Thornhill, will return to conduct a clinic based on the research he and his colleagues presented at the 5th World Conference on Science and Soccer in Rennes, France in June. Richard’s 3-hour clinic will focus on three different research studies including:
Effectiveness of speed endurance versus plyometric training on speed, power and high-intensity running ability in elite Canadian youth female players.
A comparison of speed and high intensity running ability between Canadian and Uruguayan professional academy soccer players.
Match Analysis of a Canadian Women’s University Soccer Team over the course of a full competitive season.
We urge our members to attend this unique clinic that will combine a classroom lecture with an on-field component demonstrating the training protocols from the first study. A time and location for the clinic will be determined later this month but if you wish to confirm your attendance today, you may do so by contacting us at nscac@rogers.com. Celebrate National Coaches Week The Coaching Association of Canada and the provincial and territorial coaching partners are proud to present the inaugural National Coaches Week, September 23 – 30, 2017.

National Coaches Week is a week to celebrate the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities across Canada. This week is an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by simply saying #ThanksCoach. With events held across the country to celebrate coaching, National Coaches Week provides coaches with the recognition they deserve for the time they devote to ensuring Canadians live an active, healthy lifestyle. Stay up to date with everything happening leading up to National Coaches Week by visiting www.coach.ca/nationalcoachesweek & by following along on Facebook and Twitter using #CoachesWeek and #ThanksCoach.

Renewed Group Membership Program Now Available

The NSCAC has just completed a renewal of its Group Membership Program aimed at clubs, academies and schools. These institutions can now take advantage of discounted rates on the NSCAC’s regular individual annual membership. Groups that register 6 or more coaches will benefit from a 10% discount that scales upwards to as much as 25% if certain conditions are met. The discount begins at 15% for groups that register 25 or more coaches and it begins at 20% for groups that register 50 or more coaches. The new membership program also offers groups the opportunity to host a NSCAC clinic. For more information on the new group membership program, contact us by e-mail at nscac@rogers.com. Soccer Specialty Store Program Just Announced

The NSCAC has also completed a new Retailer Partnership Program designed exclusively for Soccer Specialty franchises and stores across Canada. Participating soccer retailers will have an opportunity to earn advertising dollars for registering coaches with NSCAC. Stores can use those ad dollars towards an advertisement in The Journal for Soccer Coaches, on our website, nscac.ca, or any other NSCAC property. Stores will also be offered opportunities to participate in promotional initiatives and co-operative campaigns. For more information on the program, contact the NSCAC’s Director of Marketing & Communications, Alf De Blasis, at alfdeblasis@gmail.com.

Next Issue of The Journal
The Fall issue of our official publication, The Journal for Soccer Coaches (cover photo, Spring issue), is planned for release in October and, with that in mind, we would like to invite soccer coaches across the country to submit their articles, session plans, training tips and all other contributions to the Journal’s Managing Editor, Alf De Blasis, at alfdeblasis@gmail.com. Some of the stories we are already working on include a feature on the proposed new Canadian Premier League, the launch of the new Canadian Arena Soccer Association and a tribute to American coaching icon Tony DiCicco. We’ll also have the results of our “What Would You Do?” scenario as well as contributions from Karl Dewazien, Richard Bucciarelli and many more. For those in the soccer retail and services industries, if you would like to inquire about advertising in the next issue of the Journal, please contact the NSCAC’s Director of Marketing & Communications, Alf De Blasis, at alfdeblasis@gmail.com. Name this Newsletter and Win!
Finally, we’d like to remind you to take part in our “Name the Newsletter” Contest. We want the Canadian soccer coaching community to be an active participant in all our member correspondence so we’re giving you the opportunity to name this newsletter. Send us as many titles as you can think of as often as you like and we’ll narrow it down to the three most popular choices and give you a chance to decide the winner through an online poll. The contributor of the winning name will receive a special NSCAC prize package! Please note: Only registered NSCAC members are eligible for the prize. This will be our final notice to participate in the contest. Please submit your newsletter names to Alf De Blasis at alfdeblasis@gmail.com and please add “NSCAC Newsletter Contest” to the subject line. Good Luck!